Senin, 04 Mei 2020



Kutai Kartanegara Regency will be one of the areas decided by President Joko Widodo as the new capital of the Republic of Indonesia. "The most ideal location of the new capital city is North Penajam Paser Regency and part of the Kutai Kartanegara Regency in East Kalimantan," Jokowi said at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Monday (8/26).

Administratively, Kutai Kartanegara Regency is divided into 18 Kecamatan areas and 238 villages / kelurahan. With an area of ​​27,263.10 km2 and water area of ​​more than 4000 km2, this area has a diversity of natural resources including the tourism sector. Various types of tourist objects and attractions in this area ranging from natural attractions (such as beaches, lakes, rivers, nature reserves with rare fauna), cultural tourism (Erau Festival of the Kutai Kartanegara Sultanate) in Tenggarong Cerau Indigenous Kingdom of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom in Muara Kaman other cultures ), educational tours (Jagad Raya Planetarium, Timber Museum), special interest tours (waterfalls, caves, wild orchids, canopy bridges, Borneo Orangutan Survival), to artificial tours (Kumala Island and Panji-Sukarame Reservoir).
Around 400 AD, in East Kalimantan there is a kingdom named Kutai Martadipura (Kutai Mulawarman) which is a Hindu kingdom which is regulated in Muara Kaman, a place in the interior of Kalimantan and is ± 133 km from Samarinda City.
The existence of this kingdom is evidenced by the discovery of the Yupa inscription (stone bearing the pallawa) as many as four pieces that explain the existence of Hindu-Buddhist patterned civilization at the beginning of the millennium. While at the same time, regional contributions are still covered by historical darkness. The first and most famous king of the Kutai Martadipura Kingdom was King Mulawarman Nala Dewa. It was said, if the ascension to the throne from Mulawarman was proven by giving 20 thousand head of cattle to the Brahmins who made Mulawarman the king. However, more information about Mulawarman remains a mystery and will be revealed.

It was only in the 13th century that information about the Kutai kings began to be revealed from the manuscript, which spoke of the chronology of the kings between the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom, which began as a country in the 4th Century. Then in the 14th century at the Mahakam River Estuary, search the screen seams , stood a Kartanegara Kebataraan met Singosari and until the Majapahit Age the first Batara Kutai Kertanagara was Adji Betara the Great God of Sakti, and had an empress named Princess Karang Melenu.
During this time, Islam had emerged as a political force in East Kalimantan, and Islam entered the Kutai Kertanegara Pangerabab which was under the Banjar Sultanate during the time of King Adji Mahkota in 1525 AD, and had the title Adji Mahkota Mulia Islam. The entry and development of Islam in Kutai, is inseparable from the services of two well-known scholars / preachers named Sheikh Abdul Qodir Khatib Tunggal who had the title Datuk Ri Bandang and Datuk Ri Tiro who held the title Tuanku Tunggang Parangan. In some history books, it is reported that Datuk Ri Bandang was a famous cleric from Minang Kabau origin who was sent by the Sultan of Aceh to spread Islam to the Eastern Archipelago in the early 17th Century.
Around the 17th century, during the reign held by Adji Pangeran Sinum Panji Mendapa, managed to get a gift from the VOC with 7 VC ships fighting the kingdom of Kutai Martadipura (Kutai Mulawarman) in Muara Kaman which is currently disputed by King Dermasetia in 1635 AD in Defeat by the VOC and a New Kingdom Appears in Pantun (River Runaway Nobility Mulawarman They Form an Emergency Government) and the Intellectuals of the Intellectuals and Spiritual as well as the Executors of the Benuak Tribe and the Warriors of the Tunjung Tribe Establishing Government in Karang Sari Pinang Sentawar and in Kedang Made Runaway area in Batang Lunang Lamin Indu Anjat.
Through VOC Power in the 18th Century the Kutai Kartanegara Kingdom was made the VOC of the Sultanate and the First Sultan Named Sultan Aji Moh. Idris is a descendant of Raja Wajo and until 1947, the Kutai Kartanegara Sultanate with the status of the Kutai Swapraja Region entered the East Kalimantan Federation along with 4 other Sultanates such as Bulungan, Sambaliung, Gunung Tabur and Pasir. And with the end of the Kutai Special Region, the Sultan of Kutai Kartanegara ing Martadipura.
The Government of the Regency of Kutai Kartanegara is a continuation of the Sultanate of Kutai Kartanegara Ing Martadipura. In 1947, the Sultanate changed its status to a state government with the name of the Kutai Swapraja District. In 1955 it changed again to the Kutai Special Region (1953). In 1959, after changing the Kodya Balikpapan and Samarinda, the name of the area changed again to Kutai Regency. In 1999, the area was divided into 3 Regencies (Kutai, West Kutai, East Kutai) and 1 City (Bontang), and since 2002 the Kutai Regency has changed its name to Kutai Kartanegara Regency.
The Kutai Kartanegara Regency is a continuation of the Kutai Regency before the regional division occurred in 1999. The Kutai Regency itself, including Balikpapan, Bontang and Samarinda, was previously the territory of the Kutai Kartanegara Sultanate in Martadipura.
At the Special Session of the Regional Parliament of the Kutai Special Region on January 21, 1960, Sultan Kutai Kartanegara A.M. Raden Padmo as the Regent of Kutai, Captain Soedjono as Mayor of Samarinda and A.R.S. Muhammad as mayor of Balikpapan. To determine Kutai District as a region resulting from the division, this regency was eventually replaced by Kutai Kartanegara Regency through Government Regulation No. 8 of 2002 concerning "Changing the Name of the District of Kutai to Regency of Kutai Kartanegara".
In 2001 the history of the kingdom of Kutai Martadipura was renamed by his heir to the name of the kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman and on 03-09 September 2001, confusion in the title of the Kutai Mulawarman Maharaja with the title of Sultan Srinala Praditha Alpiansyahrechza Kartanegara Regarding the Return of Indigenous Culture in the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom.
While on the date of September 28, 2001, the Crown Prince of the Sultan was ordained with the title of Sultan Aji Muhammad Salehuddin II with his Cultural Rights and Toratas limited to the Kutai Kartanegara Palace.
Both of these Regulated Institutions both have Indigenous Cultural Rights in each of their descendants and hold their Purus Ropes and have a Different Place between Tenggarong belonging to the Sultan and Muara kaman belonging to Maharaja.
The name of the Regency of Kutai Kartanegara comes from the President of the Republic of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid compilation of the National Conference I Association of the District Government of All Indonesia (APKASI) in Tenggarong in 2000.



The Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province is a legacy from the previous Kingdom since the beginning of the first century and developed into a country when 4th century Hinduism was embraced by the kings in Kutai The Kutai Kingdom, whose capital is in Martapura, is the oldest Hindu kingdom in Indonesia. The kingdom of Kutai is expected to emerge in the fourth century AD. This kingdom is located in Muara Kaman, East Kalimantan, precisely in the upper reaches of the Mahakam river. The name Kutai comes from the word Quetaire The name Kutai is the name of the area where Yupa Prasati was found as a historical source.
The history of Kutai is the life of the people who lived spread along the east coast of East Kalimantan. Mulawarman ruled in Martapura (Muara Kaman) as the capital of the Kutai kingdom, the oldest Hindu kingdom in Indonesia. The Kutai language branched out from the Malay language cluster. Kutai lives in various districts in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, including Kembang Janggut, Kenohan, MuaraWis, Muara Kaman, Muara Muntai, Kota Bangun, Loa Kulu, Sebulu and Kutai. They also live in Tenggarong and Tenggarong districts across Tenggarong City and in Muara Pahu, Jempang and Bongan in West Kutai District. In general, the territory of the Kutai Kingdom includes the island of East Kalimantan Based on historical research this kingdom left certain royal heirlooms considered sacred, such as, an uncal necklace, a picture of a Vishnu necklace (Hindu god) and a necklace with two mythical birds and the Golden Kura as a symbol of the manifestation of Lord Vishnu. 


The journey of government in the Kaman estuary has been stretched since 017 AD, with the establishment of the Kingdom of Sagaradiva Malaya or (in the yupa inscription written by Vravatam Sadiva Malaya) and the name Sagara contained in the yupa which mentions Maharaja Sri Mulawarman Naladewa was the Son of King Sagara who built a worship center in a temple. the hill named Martapura and the Hindu temple on a hill named Varekwara known today as the Continent Lawas, Berubus at the foot of the hill is called Tepian Batu and the raw area was built a resting palace made of wood (ulin) where it was named Tanjung Serai, and on the old continent in build as many as 9 temples for the holy place and the spirituality of Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman and become a place for the Sacrifice Ceremony.
- From 017 - 350 AD, with the establishment of the Kingdom of Sagaradiva Malaya or (in the yupa inscription written by Vravatam Sadiva Malaya) and the name Sagara contained in the yupa which mentions Maharaja Sri Mulawarman Naladewa was the Son of Sagara who built a worship center on a hill named Martapura. across from Muara Kaman now.
- From 350 - 1635 AD Muara Kaman is the State Capital of the Kingdom of Kutai Martapura. (Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom) The capital of the oldest Hindu Kutai kingdom in the archipelago at that time in Muara Kaman there were only a few more people who kept because many aristocrats left the city and finally in Muara Kaman occupied by Habait Seputar Arab, Sayid Soleman who married Putri Niraja who lived in Sabintulung and Putri were descendants of the Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman who was converted to Islam by this figure who was buried in the Cultural Rear Museum of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom in Berubus according to the sacred to this day.
- From 1635 - 1905 AD Muara Kaman became the Voc region under the Governor of Batavia because the capital of Kara was destroyed by 7 Dutch hunting vessels that came to Muara Kaman led by 2 Captain Nahkoda warships Voc only the nobles, Kutai Mulawarman left. The city and residence in the new rural hinterland in 1905 Muara Kaman was occupied again by runaway owners and Muara Kaman became a rural area because at that time there were 39 houses (Raft Houses) and this area was in place by the people why Kutai Mulawarman returned from the escape of the Kedang and Keham rivers in the interior of Kota Bangun and the Perian River in Muara Muntai now and the Pantun River in East Kutai now.
- From 1905 - 1906 AD Muara Kaman was made a village under the Dutch East Indies government and a man named Ibrahim ruled at Muara Kaman and people who lived in lanting began to build a stilt house which became the City of Muara Kaman today. - In the year 1906
- 1942 AD Muara Kaman was led by a resident by the Oost Resident - Kalimantan at that time appointed A. Raden Ario Sastro to become the District Head in Muara Kaman as the Oost - Kalimantan Residency area of Kalimantan in the Dutch East Indies colonial era based in Banjarmasin.
- From 1942 - 1945 AD Muara Kaman was the Capital of the Son Region in the Government of Ken in the Syu Region at the time of the Japanese invaders lifting Moh. Seman holds the title of Mas Jaya Muda as Son under the Japanese government.
- From 1945 - 1950 AD Muara Kaman was the Capital of the Territory Guard in the Afdeeling (Recinentie) Government of the East Kalimantan Residency during the RIS period in the Special Region of Kepatihan Kutai, his first Nurse M. Saleh, the title Entje Kapitan.
- From 1950 - 1957 AD Muara Kaman was the Capital of the Region of Authority and Residency in East Kalimantan, so A. Raden Srif Nilo was appointed as Wedana at Muara Kaman.
- From 1957 - 2019 AD Muara Kaman The Capital District in the District Region in East Kalimantan Province The Republic of Indonesia in 1957 A. Bambang Umar Oemar Rachman was appointed as the first Sub-District Head at Muara Kaman. Looking at the Age History of Muara Kaman City, it must be calculated from 017-2019 and seeing the age history of Muara Kaman being a new sub-district in 1957-2019, the Muara Kaman City 2002 year and the Muara Kaman District 62 years.
"History and prove" that the world site in Muara Kaman known by the era of "Y U P A" which originated in the early century AD is part of the historical period of the first country in the archipelago and became the beginning of the confrontation of the Indonesian Nation. With the emergence of the history of the ancient kingdom of Kutai reached its peak during the reign of Maharaja Sri Mulawarman Naladewa Maharaja's son Sri Acwawarman Maharaja's grandson Sri Kundungga who has natural resources such as gold mines, aloes, swallow nests, tengkawang oil, honey bees, candles and resin and rattan, and other commodity products traded to India, China, Thailand, Thailand and Cambodia. The Mahakam River is the main transportation route in the people's economy, and the Kedang Rantau River and 6 other branches of the Mahakam River are very meaningful for people's lives. 


1. From the year 017 - 350 AD, the Government of the Kingdom of Sagaradiva Malaya the Capital in Tebalairiung (Tebalai Indah).
1. Tan Samburakai. 17-78
2. Tan Mampi. 78-139
 3. Tan Pihatu married to Pumbu Putri Puan. 139-214
4. Tan Meretam. 214-263
5. Tan Tembayat. 263-313
6. Tan Seredang 313-350

2. From 350 - 1635 AD the Government of the Kingdom of Kutai the Capital in Martapura (Across from Muara Kaman).
7. Maharaja Sri Kundungga Alias Cri Gedongga 350-375
8. Maharaja Sri Acwawarman Alias Wamsekerta 375-400
9. Maharaja Sri Mulawarman Nala Dewa Alias Wamseragen 400-446
10. Maharaja Sri Wangsa Warman 446-495
11. Maharaja Maha Wijaya Warman 495-543
12. Maharaja Gaja Yana Warman 543-590
13. Maharaja Wijaya Tungga Waraman 590-637
14. Maharaja Jaya Tungga Nagawarman 637-686
15. Maharaja Nala Singawarman 686-736
16. Maharaja Nala Perana Tungga Warmandewa 736-783
17. Maharaja Gadingga Warmandewa 783-832
18. Maharaja Indra Warmandewa 832-879
19. Maharaja Singa Wirama Warmandewa 879-926
20. Maharaja Singa Wargala Warmandewa 926-972
21. Maharaja Cendera Warmandewa 972-1020
22. Maharaja Prabu Mula Tunggaldewa 1020-1069
23. Maharaja Nala Indradewa 1069-1117
24. Maharatu Mayang Mulawarni Alias Putri Pidara Putih 1117-1166
25. Maharaja Indra Mulia Tungga Warmandewa 1166-1214
26. Maharaja Sri Langgkadewa 1214-1265
27. Maharaja Guna Perana Tungga 1265-1325
28. Government of Nala Duta (Council of the King of Trusteeship) 1325-1337
29. Maharaja Tan Reniq Holds Wijaya Warman 1337-1373
30. Maharaja Indra Mulia 1373-1407
31. Maharaja Sri Ajidewa 1407-1425
32. Maharaja Mulia Putra 1425-1453
33. Maharaja Nala Praditha 1453-1509
34. Maharaja Indra Parutha 1509-1564
35. Maharaja Derma Setiya 1564-1635

3. From 1635 - 1905 AD the Government of the Kingdom was controlled by the VOC, the Royalties' relatives did not only regulate the Purus until 2001 and were appointed Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman with the status of Customary Law in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
36. Nala Perana (1635-1663)
37. Nala Singga (1663-1687)
38. Nala Singa Yuda (1687-1699)
39. Nala Marta (1699-1707)
40. Nala Mayang (1707-1710)
41. Nala Lingka Pati (1710-1720)
42. Nala Danda Guna (1720-1771)
43. Nala Maja Raja Tuha (1771-1809)
44. Nala Salong Mayang (1809-1852)
45. Srinala Warping the House of Warman (1852-1900)
46. ​​Srinala Jamal Wangsa Dipura (1900-1937)
47. Srinila Dedong Indra Mulia Sadewi (1937-1959)
48. Maharaja Srinala Maskoer Prabu Wangsawarman (1959-1976)
49. Maharatu Srinila Rakni Rakni Dewi Gari (1976-2001)
50. Maharaja Srinala Praditha Alpiansyahrechza Fachlevie Wangsawarman. (2001-Present) Based on UAM on September 3-9 2001
 51. Young Maharaja Nala Indra Fachrucha Dilaya Crown Prince Heir to the Throne Based on UAM 27 December 2017.